There is a possibility to quit smoking by getting rid of tobacco products, I don't recommend nicotine patches though.
Because one has to take extreme caution while using these patches since any misuse might lead to effects that can cause damage to the body in the end. best e liquid uk
The side effects under such a scenario are also traumatizing. The main reason why nicotine patches are used after you quit smoking is to lessen your dependence on nicotine.
These patches help smokers get over their carving for nicotine and minimize the post smoking withdrawal symptoms but there are some catches... vape kits uk
The use of additional nicotine patches to get you off cigarettes can lead to nausea, skin irritation, high blood pressure, and dizziness.
The best way to quit smoking is to get rid of the habit without pumping your body with the addictive substance. vape starter kit
I mean seriously.
How many alcoholics quit drinking by downing a can of beer?
Doesn't even make logical sense to wrap your body in the substance which CAUSES the addiction in the first place.
Truth be told. best e liquid
The longer you maintain this habit, the more difficult it becomes to quit the same. A chain smoker will find it difficult to get rid of the nicotine out of their system easily.
These nicotine patches have a warning for users that they should avoid all kind of tobacco products while using them. vape shop uk
Similarly, when the patch is removed, there is a possibility of nicotine in the blood for some hours post removal.
How's that for an unwanted effect!
Once these patches are used for getting rid of nicotine addiction, there is a need to safely dispose them since they can harm pets and children if they are exposed to it.
However, before going ahead with the process of nicotine addiction removal, it is important to understand the products and tools that will help achieve the final goal.
The tools used after you quit smoking should not lead to any kind of physical harm. This will help you focus on psychological and behavioral issues after you kick the smoking habit.
Consultation with the doctor and proper medical check up is extremely important when you embark upon the schedule to get rid of nicotine addiction completely.
A first hand advice from the doctor is necessary to find out if the nicotine patch is suitable for your needs.
There are certain conditions in which you should avoid if you're going to use these patches.
This is when you are taking treatment using prescription medicines or have issues related to cardiovascular diseases and other health problems.
It is a good practice to have check ups done in a routine manner to ensure that your body is responding to the treatment effectively.
If the medical advisories change then suitable steps need to be taken to ensure proper health conditions.
Bottom line I'd say: STAY AWAY FROM PATCHES.
Here's the tip I offer everyone... learn how to quit smoking fast. Because the faster you do the better your physical health, wallet health and overall energy.