Practicing Yoga is a Natural Way to Stop Smoking
dear reader, here is another article which promises to show you a way how to
stop smoking. If you are reading this article, most likely you have already
tried some methods and they did not help you. Do you know why? The reason is,
most of those methods are not natural in the sense that they use some external
influence instead of relying on the natural resources of our body. Yoga, on the
contrary, first of all helps one to restore the inner balance. Once the balance
is restored, one can easily give up smoking without any external help. We are
now going to describe how that can be achieved by practicing Sahaja Yoga. But
first let us give some not very well known facts about smoking in attempt to
raise more awareness about this subject. vape store uk
of us heard this example in college that a drop of nicotine can kill a horse.
And many also heard a typical answer that "in that case the horse should
not smoke". That is, this argument does not sound very convincing. What
else should we know then about the effect of nicotine? Most of us know that
nicotine is very harmful for the lungs, it can cause lung cancer and other
kinds of cancer. But nicotine also changes the chemical functions in the brain.
That is why it creates addiction like all other drugs. Researches done in the
US have shown that teen smokers are more likely to have panic attacks, anxiety
disorders, and depression. Nearly half a million Americans die from smoking
every year. One of every six deaths in the United States is a result of smoking
tobacco, making tobacco more lethal than all other addictive drugs combined. best
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apart from nicotine, there are many more harmful substances in cigarettes. Most
of us don't know that, when smoking, we inhale thousands of chemicals with the
cigarette smoke: vape kits uk
1936 there were 120 additives used in cigarettes, in 1959 their number
increased to 450, in 1968 there were 950 kinds of additives, in 1982, 3875, and
today their number exceeds 4000!
what people smoke now is not just tobacco, it is a complex mixture of various
chemical components. They are added for various purposes. Some give flavors to
the cigarettes, some work as preservatives, but many additives are used in fact
to increase one's addiction so that it becomes much more difficult to stop
smoking than it used to be, say, 50 years ago. Most of these substances have,
of course, a negative effect on the human health. vape starter kit
cigarettes. This is another myth created by the tobacco industries. When they
first came on the market in 1970, it was believed that light cigarettes are
less harmful. However later researches have shown that light cigarettes result
in the same risk of illness and death as a result of smoking. best
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smoking has a very diverse negative effect on the human health, and there is no
way out like light cigarettes or anything. But how to stop smoking? Most common
methods used are: nicotine replacement treatments, acupuncture, injections,
medication. However none of these methods gives statistically proven strong
effect. Besides, they may also have side effects and sometimes can be quite
costly. What we suggest here is to give up smoking in an easy and natural way by
practicing Sahaja Yoga. vape shop uk
Yoga is a method of awakening the Kundalini energy discovered in 1970 by Shri
Mataji Nirmala Devi from India. According to the Indian tradition, Kundalini is
a spiritual power that lies dormant in the Sacrum bone and has to be awakened
by yoga practices. Once awakened, it rises through the central energy channel
in the spine and opens and enlightens the seven energy centers called chakras.
When Kundalini opens the seventh chakra located in the limbic area, yoga (i.e.
the inner and outer integration of our being) is said to take place. Kundalini
awakening is the ultimate goal of every yoga practice, however only in Sahaja
Yoga, due to Shri Mataji's discovery, it became effortless and easy to achieve.
What Kundalini does is to balance the energy system, which consists of seven
energy centers (chakras) and three energy channels (called nadis). When balance
is established in the body, it naturally tries to preserve it and thus does not
want to accept anything that is harmful. Thus all bad habits, like drinking,
smoking, drug addiction drop out automatically without the need to do anything
special about that. This sounds like a very strong statement but it is so.
Sociological study done on 320 Sahaja Yoga practitioners showed that just after
the first year of practice about 75% stop drinking, smoking and using drugs.
After 5 years of practicing Sahaja Yoga less than 10% of practitioners still
have some of those bad habits.
of the reasons why Sahaja Yoga is so effective against smoking is that the
Kundalini energy works in the 7th chakra, that is in the limbic area. It is the
limbic area that is affected by nicotine and other drugs thus giving one a
sense of pleasure. But meditation on the 7th chakra gives one even stronger
pleasure and at the same time does not cause any harm. As a result, one just
does not feel any desire to continue smoking or taking drugs.
we invite you to try Sahaja Yoga and see for yourself how it will help you not
only to get rid of bad habits, like drinking or smoking, but in many different