Those who try to quit smoking always come to a point when they say to themselves that"One cigarette will do no harm" or "I will just smoke this one and never smoke again". If you have been there, then you know where it leads to. It leads to another cigarette, which then leads to a pack.

Whether you have tried to quit smoking before or not, you should understand that if you want to be able to stop for good, you should never ever give in to that craving of "Just one cigarette". vape clearance uk

That is your sub conscious mind playing tricks on you. Not only you will go back to smoking, it will also leave an impression on your mind that it is very hard to quit smoking.

I am not saying that it is not hard to quit. But if you think that it is hard, then it will be harder than you think. And if you think it to be easy, it will be easier than you thought. kik e liquid

When you feel the craving for cigarettes, try to distract yourself. The cravings last for only a minute or so. You can do a lot of things to distract yourself in that minute. If you are in a bar with friends, just go to the toilet for a minute. If you are alone at home, grab a fruit or a glass of juice. kik e cig

You may get cravings when you are doing things that have been associated with smoking over time. One example is like drinking wine. When you are drinking wine, you may feel like your other hand is empty, where there used to be a cigarette. At this situation a simple action such as changing the glass from one hand to another will take your mind of the cigarette cravings. v juice

Oral fixation can be easily countered by a toothpick or a straw. Oral fixation is not a big problem; it will fade away in a few days.

Remove any thing that reminds you of smoking from your house. Any ashtrays, empty cigarette cases etc. And keep things in your sight that will remind you of NOT smoking. A picture of your family or a poster that points out the benefits of not smoking will do the trick. vape shop

It might be difficult at first, but after about 1-2 weeks the cravings for cigarettes will stop. After about 8 weeks you will start feeling like an ex-smoker and will be able to go on without smoking even in the most tempting social situations.

Just remember one thing, don't give in to that "Just one cigarette" temptation. That is the worst thing you can do. But even if you do give in, then please don't make it a reason to stop quitting. Keep fighting with your desires and bad habits and you will eventually win.