Why is Quitting Smoking So Difficult? Nicotine!
Twain once remarked, "Quitting smoking is easy, I've done it a thousand
times." Like you, Mr. Twain recognized the difficulties inherent in
smoking cessation. Breaking free from the habit of cigarette smoking is
difficult, so difficult in fact that the success rate, at least on the first
few attempts, is extremely low. But why? Why, despite everything we know
regarding the dangers of smoking is it so difficult to put cigarettes away for
good? The answer is simple: nicotine.
What is Nicotine?
is a drug found in tobacco. With addictive properties that are every bit as
strong as heroin or cocaine, nicotine can have a person hooked in a very short
amount of time. And once a person becomes physically and psychologically
addicted to nicotine, quitting becomes extremely difficult.
How Does It Work?
how exactly does nicotine affect you? When you inhale smoke, the nicotine found
in tobacco enters your lungs. From there the nicotine is rapidly absorbed into
the blood stream and carried throughout your body. Once distributed throughout
your body, nicotine begins to wreak havoc on a number of internal systems. Your
heart, blood vessels, hormones and brain are all negatively impacted by
nicotine. Not only does it cause diseases such as cancer and heart disease and
COPD, it affects your metabolism as well, changing the way your body processes
food. Nicotine can be especially dangerous in pregnant women. It can invade
breast milk and even the mucus of the cervix. With the ability to freely cross
the placenta, nicotine can even be absorbed by amniotic fluid and has been
found in the umbilical cord blood of newborn infants.
is not easily dispelled from the body. In most cases, it can take up to 4 days
after quitting for nicotine to leave the body. This explains why cravings for cigarettes
are most prevalent at about 72-96 hours after quitting.
has a tendency to create pleasant if not euphoric feelings. But it can also act
as a kind of depressant which disrupts the flow of information between nerve
cells. As smoking progresses, the average smoker will tend to smoke more as the
need to repeat the pleasant feeling rises. This, obviously, increases the
amount of nicotine in the system, and over time the smoker builds up tolerance.
Now, more cigarettes are required to produce those feelings and the result is a
chemical addiction that can be nearly impossible to break.
Why is Quitting so Difficult?
smokers try to quit, the side effects they notice-cravings, irritability,
anxiety-are classic signs of nicotine withdrawal. The body and mind have grown
so accustomed to functioning with the drug that abrupt cessation causes very
uncomfortable and often intolerable symptoms. Difficulty in quitting is neither
a sign of poor will power nor flawed character but of a powerful and
unrelenting addiction.
smoking has become a problem in your life-and if you smoke there is certainly a
problem-take action quickly and get help if needed. The power of nicotine
addiction is strong, but with help it doesn't have to be a life sentence.