A Few Tips to Stop Smoking
To decide to stop smoking is one thing, but to actually do it and keep at it is another matter altogether. Most people could do with a little help, but they don't really get any. Here are some of the things I found to be useful to quit smoking. best e liquid uk
reward yourself with a cigarette. For instance, if I was doing a project at
work, when I finished I would reward myself by having a cigarette - don't do
that. If I answered the phone, again I would reward myself by having a
cigarette, don't do it. Whenever I finished a job at home I would have a
cigarette. Don't do that, as all these actions act as a trigger to wanting a
cigarette, if you can break these habits you will find it much easier to quit
punish yourself if you do slip and smoke a cigarette. You could for instance go
without a pudding after dinner, or at least have a tiny one. You could make
yourself get up ten minutes earlier in the morning for each cigarette you
smoked, and in that extra time find something useful to do. You could put in a
money box for each cigarette you shouldn't have smoked
put off having a cigarette, go and do something else and you will be surprised
how quickly time goes by and you might have forgotten to have that cigarette
reward yourself when you don't smoke. I would have a pot and would write down
on little pieces of paper what I would like to reward myself with, and put it
in the pot. So for instance, if I didn't smoke all morning, when normally I
might have had four or five cigarettes, I might write down that I would treat
myself to some extra exotic fruit for lunch the next day, after all, if I
hadn't smoked I would have that bit of extra money. It needn't be anything
much, could be just to take half an hour to go for a walk somewhere nice and
relaxing, and breath in some fresh air. It could be just a silly little thing
like I did once. I had an old dustpan and brush, which was next to useless, and
I refused to change it until I had gone a whole day without a cigarette - well
it worked - it wasn't long before I was able to reward myself with a lovely new
dustpan and brush! I was very pleased with myself. vape shop uk
course everyone is different, and will have their own ways to stop smoking, but
these are a few things that definitely helped me.