Smoking facts are probably the one thing that have to be considered by all smokers. Why not take a few minutes considering this fact. When was the last time you checked what you were smoking? Its important to know certain facts of smoking, most published materials, maybe, outdated or altered. Are you a fan of tobacco leaves or clove? The former has a milder effect on your lungs, whereas the latter, applies for pressure and may cause rapid harm. Smokers, beware. vape starter kit

Since 1998, the average nicotine yield per cigarette has been going up. Basically with all its controversies and what not the habit is slowly turning deadlier and more addictive. Basically, the cigarette giants are not going to make us quit this habit any soon. The government attempts can be considered merely a fiasco, who would want to let go such profitable alliance that gains billions yearly? best e liquid

Today's nicotine content in a cigarette is recorded to be 2mg if not more, that is a huge increase of 40% since 1998. This still remains the same, different countries have different blend and mixtures, but it is still deadly! The content of nicotine also varies based on demographics and geographic. This would eventually speed up all lung related diseases mainly lung cancer and other illnesses. Another fact to consider is the mix mash of over 4000 different chemicals to create a single stick, and that is exactly what gets into your lungs. vape shop uk

Let's at least be a tad bit thankful to the creation of filters, at least we get to live a bit longer. Nevertheless, nothing beats quitting a bad habit. vape accessories