How to Quit Smoking Instantly
You may disagree with what I'm going to share with you, but it is a reality that I was able to quite smoking without any medical support.
I was a chain smoker for more than 15
years, smoking about three packs in a day. So, how I was able to quite smoking
after all, this is what I want to share with you now. vape clearance uk
What is the solution for this- Nicotine
free cigarettes?
Crush a single stick
At one point I was down with smokers
cough for entire month. All medications were ineffective. I simply started
hating cigarettes and when I used to cough madly, I connected the cough straight
to the use of cigarettes and I immediately crushed the stick and said, "I
really hate you". You can surely try crushing more sticks if you are not
comfortable with one stick. It solely depends on your own decision. kik
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Move away from the cigarette smoke
Many times I got lured to smoke when I
smelt the cigarette smoke at some public place. I then immediately left that
place and shifted to some other place without such pollution. I did this for
about 8 months regularly and now I can easily mingle with all those people who
smoke without getting enticed to smoke myself. kik e cig
Keep busy
Whenever I get a urge to smoke, I immediately
make myself busy in some work like lifting some load, jogging, cutting the
garden grass, etc which can perspire me heavily. Then I get relieved from the
cigarette craving. v
Drink plenty of water or fruit juice
After perspiration, I usually drink lots
of water or some juice to the maximum. It cleanses my body immediately and I
feel fully relieved. vape shop
Think positive
I always think positive and try to focus
on positive things in my life. I never look back at my bad experiences which I
encountered during my addiction phase.