Pipe Smokers To Inhale or not to Inhale
people think that smoking a pipe is less hazardous to health than cigarette
smoking. These smokers are considered respectable and even have an intellectual
quality about them. Is it true then that men who smoke a pipe are at less risk
of health consequences than cigarette smokers? Perhaps they are not exposed to
the harmful effects that are normally associated with cigarette smoking. Early
studies actually suggested that these smokers lived longer than non-smokers!
Could it be that pipe smoke is actually a health tonic, or at least not as
harmful as cigarette smoke? There are clear differences between the two types
of smoke. Cigarette smoke is acidic whilst pipe smoke is alkaline. Also there
is a very obvious difference in the smell of the two types of smoke. Few find
the aroma of cigarette smoke pleasing, whilst pipe smoke is aromatic and
pleasing to the senses. Unlike cigarette smokers, pipe smokers don't usually
inhale their smoke and therefore the smoke does not actually enter the lungs. vape
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The Health Question
effect of cigarette smoking on health has been thoroughly investigated however,
there have been very few studies looking at pipe smoking and health. This is
mainly due to the fact that there are not many men who belong to this select
smoking club and the numbers have been steadily declining since the 1960's. It
is difficult to obtain good data on these smokers because they are a minority
smoking group. v
juice Data from a 2001 UK study showed
that only 2% of men belonged to this category whilst 27% were regular cigarette
smokers. So is it possible to make any conclusions about this smoking group and
health considering the small numbers involved? Fortunately a recent American
study, reported in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, looked at the
health of 15,000 pipe smokers. This study found these smokers had an increased
risk of cancer, stroke and heart disease. In particular, they had an increased
susceptibility to oral, larynx, oesophageal, colon and bladder cancers. kik
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All Tobacco Consumption is Bad
tobacco smoke contains nicotine and toxins which are absorbed through the mouth
and therefore it should come as no surprise that smoking this type of tobacco
is injurious to health. All types of tobacco whether smoked or chewed are going
to have a negative impact on the health of the user. The only good news for
pipe smokers is that they have a lower risk of lung cancer than cigarette
smokers. It seems that the earlier studies were wrong and all smokers,
regardless of the type of tobacco consumed, are at serious risk of smoking
related disease and health problems. kik e cig
is never easy to quit smoking tobacco as nicotine is a highly addictive