Self Hypnosis to Quit Smoking can be a very effective tool in breaking the smoking habit. The important point to be made, is you have to want to quit smoking. If you do not want to quit, self hypnosis to quit smoking will not work for you. This method is not as effective as a hypnosis program, but will save you some money. The hardest part about self hypnosis is following through on the daily suggestions. vape clearance uk

The first step is to sit down with pen and paper and write out all the reasons you should stop smoking. The key is to be brutally honest with yourself. Ask yourself questions like, why do I smoke, how would my health improve if I quit smoking, how would my finances improve, what would this mean for my family and friends, how would it change my life in a positive way. Do not rush this process, take a couple days if you need it, but do this step the right way. When you are finished, ask yourself if you did this step to the very best of your ability. If the answer is yes, lets move on to the next step. kik e liquid

Step two is to make your own self hypnosis suggestions. The important thing is to word these in a positive way. As an example you should say "I love being smoke free" and not "I hate smoking." The self hypnosis suggestion will be what you convey to your subconscious mind. Try to come up with three different suggestions and make them as emotionally charged as possible. The more emotion involved in the suggestion the faster they will penetrate you subconscious mind. The fast they penetrate your subconscious mind the fast you will quit smoking. kik e cig

The third step in self hypnosis is to repeat your suggestions out loud at least three times a day. More is better, but three will do the trick. Say them for at least fifteen minutes each time. It is best if you do this when you first get up, sometime in the afternoon and before bed. You can also say them silently when you have a craving for a cigarette. This step is so important that you should not let anything come between you and following this self hypnosis to quit smoking step. Give this step full attention and do not be listen to the radio, watching TV or some other activity while repeating the suggestion. v juice

If you have been following through with repeating the self hypnosis to quit smoking suggestion, you will see your desire for cigarettes falling off after about two to three weeks. You will probably also notice you are smoking a lot less, if you have not already quit. If you have not quit yet, keep up the self hypnosis to quit smoking suggestions and you will soon become a non smoker. vape shop

Once you have finally quit you will still get cravings at various times. This is normal and expected. Just repeat the self hypnosis to quit smoking suggestion and the craving will soon fade. Good luck, I hope you join the ranks of non smokers. best vape starter kit uk