Everyone knows that smoking is very bad for the health, but surprisingly few people know exactly how it can affect them. The fact is that this habit can affect you (and the people who spend a lot of time in your company) adversely in many different ways.

Go through the following effects of smoking and decide on your own whether or not you should continue with the habit:

- There is an increased risk of getting all sorts of dangerous diseases including lung cancer, emphysema, hypertension and heart disease. Lung cancer is particularly bad because it has a very low survival rate when compared to many other types of cancer. Smokers generally have very low stamina and immunity because they do not get the required amount of oxygen in the air they inhale. vape clearance uk

- Autoimmune disorders are very common amongst smokers. Doctors believe that this habit is responsible for many cases of lupus. It also increases the severity of the lupus episodes.

- Smokers have a greater chance of becoming impotent than non-smokers. It is believed that smoking affects the blood pressure, thereby preventing the man from having proper and long lasting erections. kik e liquid

- If you have babies then you should know that this habit increases the chances of cot death in infants. In addition, children who are exposed to second hand smoke tend to be very irritable and restless. They do not thrive very well and might not reach the height or weight that is normal for them. Women who smoke through their pregnancies or even up to conceiving their babies tend to deliver low birth weight and premature babies.

- Early onset of wrinkles on the face. One reason is because the action of sucking on a cigarette causes furrows on either side of the mouth. The other reason is that the smoke exposes the skin to many free radicals. kik e cig

As you can see, smoking is one habit that you have to get rid of at the earliest. However, it has to be acknowledged that this is easier said than done. The problem is that the nicotine contained in cigarettes is highly addictive even though it does not cause health problems.

It is up to you to try to get rid of this habit without any delay. As a matter of fact, you should take all the assistance you can get because this habit is very difficult to lose on your own.