Plenty off us absolutely hate the smell of cigarettes. It can linger for a long time, and the home of a heavy smoker can absolutely reek and seem nearly uninhabitable. Not only do nonsmokers hate the odor, but plenty of smokers as well. best vape starter kit uk

First of all, try to avoid the odor in the first place. Most smokers don't mind going outside to smoke, in fact many expect it. It many locales it's required by law in restaurants, bars, and other public places. Even several of my smoking friends only smoke outside. best vaping kit uk

If smoking or allowing others to smoke indoors, open plenty of windows. This is especially true for cars as they are small enclosed spaces! Leave the windows open for a while after the smoking has ended to get rid of as much smell as possible. vape shop online uk

Wash any fabrics possible. This includes your clothes, especially if you've been hanging out in smoke filled places such as bars. You may need to wash pillow cases, sheets, bedspreads, curtains, and much more to purge the odor. If it's really bad, such as in a long term smoking den, the carpet may need to be shampooed or perhaps even replaced. vape starter kit uk

Walls and ceilings can absolutely contain foul cigarette odors too. They can even have strong smoke and nicotine stains. Paint or re-wallpaper, after washing them with bleach!

Fortunately smoking is on the decline and most smokers are very polite about it. Smoking is a personal choice, but not annoying others with the smoke and odor is a personal responsibility!s vape store uk