Breaking up a habit is never easy. When it comes to quitting smoking it may seem a herculean task which you have to accomplish all alone. Even though you long to quit smoking you may postpone it indefinitely because it is never easy to break a habit of this nature. From my personal experience I know how difficult it is because two of my brothers who had got into the habit of smoking took great pains to quit and finally they did it with the help and support of the other siblings. I am happy to state that to-date (20 years later) they remain non smokers and I personally feel it is a great achievement for the whole family as we are a very close knit family. vape clearance uk

The first step to quitting smoking is very tough because you have got yourself addicted to nicotine and also to a routine, ie: smoking a cigarette after breakfast, lunch, dinner etc., and even in between while working in your office. The intake of Nicotine increases the discharge of dopamine into your brain which gives you a pleasant, tranquil feeling. In order to conquer this you may often need to shift to a product which would give you a tiny dose of nicotine (nicotine replacement therapy) such as chewing gum or munching lozenges etc., until such time you can eventually get rid of nicotine from your entire system. But all in all you would require a very strong mental control which would drive you to achieve your target to stop smoking. kik e liquid

The other most important aspect of quitting smoking is to break up the routine you have got used to. It is best to go for a short walk after meals if you have got used to smoking after meals or to occupy yourself in some similar activity so that you would eventually kick off your need for smoking. kik e cig

Another way of quitting smoking is to seriously take note of the consequences both in the short & long term such as:

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how it would harm vital organs of your system

 the high percentage of lung cancer deaths caused by cigarette smoking

 other diseases such as stroke, pregnancy complications etc.,

 how it affects your teeth & breath

 how it affects other people around you (passive smoking)

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Quitting smoking is definitely possible if you have control over your mind, your will power to stand by your decision until your target is achieved and the drive and determination of your own personality.