Deciding to quit smoking is a very hard and long process but well worth the effort. The first few days after quitting smoking is tough, so it is important that you keep busy or spend your free time in places where smoking is not permitted. Smoke free areas like shopping malls, libraries, theatres and museums are all good places where you can spend your time. Avoid drinking coffee, alcohol or other drinks that you associate with cigarette smoking. Drink something different like water, natural fruit juices, sports drinks or any other drinks that are low or no calorie instead. There can be times that you might miss having something in your mouth, you can try cinnamon sticks, toothpicks, celery, sugar-free lollipops or chew sugar-free gums. You can avoid the temptation of smoking by also staying away from situations that you associate with smoking, or find someone who doesn't smoke to be your buddy. Below are 3 tips on how you can make your lungs stronger after you quit smoking. best e liquid uk
Try to take the stairs instead of the escalator or elevators. Climbing the stairs, riding a bike or brisk walking can make your heart beat faster. It is vital that you keep your lungs and heart in good condition. Research shows that in people with lung diseases like emphysema, a 15 minute walk 3 to 4 times a day can significantly improve breathing. vape kits uk
Breathe from your abdomen for at least 5 minutes each day. This kind of breathing technique is known as diaphragmatic breathing. This involves strengthening and training your diaphragm to make it require less effort in taking each breath. Do this by inhaling deeply through your nose and try to fill your lungs from the bottom up. You know that you're doing it correctly if your stomach protrudes, exhale and then repeat. vape starter kit
Exercise expanding your chest. Expand your chest and increase your lung capacity by doing this procedure. First is to lie on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the ground. Next is to place your hands behind your head and bring your elbows together make them close to each other. Slowly let your elbows drop to the sides as you inhale so that your arms are flat on the floor when your lungs are full. Raise your elbow again as you exhale. best e liquid
It is important to maintain healthy lungs and heart. Quitting smoking is a good start. vape shop uk