Are You Causing "Smoke-Driving" Pollution in the Environment With Your Smoking Habit?
Research on how smoking influences environmental damage is still at an embryonic stage, but quite startling things are beginning to emerge. vape clearance uk
not only affects the smoker's health, it also greatly influences the world's
atmosphere. There are many who believe that vehicles on the roads daily
contribute far more to environmental pollution than cigarette smoking ever
could. While most smokers think that by smoking they are only damaging their
own health, they are having a far greater impact on immediate pollution than
they may realise. It is now estimated by scientists that if the average smoker
has twenty cigarettes a day over a period of a year, pollutants in the smoke
equate the emissions from a family car going on a fifty-mile journey. Over a
twenty year period, that would be one thousand miles-worth of toxic emissions.
A lot of "smoke-driving" that, (and the cost of a packet of
cigarettes is close to that of a gallon of petrol). Smoking is on the increase
again, and it is estimated that by 2010, 1.3 billion people will be smokers; if
that figure were to remain constant, and you multiply it by 1000
"miles" per smoker for a period of twenty years, the figure is
staggering. kik e liquid
effects of smoking are already well-documented, and research is on-going. The
growing, processing and smoking of tobacco are known to have major negative
impacts on our local and global environments. Health risks are associated with
tobacco production, and the working conditions of tobacco farmers can be dire.
Deforestation is associated with the growing of tobacco among other things:
forests need to be cleared for large scale tobacco planting, which involves
water diversion and the use of large amounts of fertilisers and pesticides.
Apparently, it uses the wood from one tree to cure the tobacco smoked by the
average smoker in a fortnight. The plants are delicate and subject to many
diseases, therefore growers use large amounts of chemicals to speed up the
growing process in quantities far greater than any permissible for use on food
crops. Tobacco plants absorb nutrients from the soil faster than most plants,
mostly potassium, which subsequently leaves the ground in a depleted state. kik
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the cultivation of tobacco uses areas of land which are needed to produce food
crops to feed people living in developing countries: in order to satisfy this
need, food production needs to treble at least.
control measures could help to decrease inequalities among populations in
different countries, but it has become more difficult as it is generally the
more affluent who have ceased to smoke. Growing tobacco is a way for some
poorer countries to make much needed money and they are unlikely to stop
production. vape
constant litter of cigarette stubs, empty plastic packets, spent lighters, all
of which are not biodegradable, demonstrates the most obvious way in which
smoking impacts on our immediate environment. Walk up any street, look in
doorways, outside pubs and cafes where there are frequently groups of
"smoker-drivers", and there will be the tell-tale debris of cigarette
stubs carelessly thrown on the ground - often close to a bin. best
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people who smoke care about their health and the Environment, maybe they should
consider giving up "smoke-driving", be aware of what is actually in
the cigarette smoke, and in the long term do all of us and our planet a favour
as well as themselves.