Smoking Causes Instant Damage To DNA
Cigarette smoke causes immediate damage to person's lungs and their DNA even from second-hand smoke.
chemicals in cigarette smoke reach your lungs quickly every time you inhale
causing damage immediately. Inhaling even small amount of tobacco smoke will
damage your DNA, which can lead to cancer. vape
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manufacturers and tobacco companies deliberately design cigarettes to be
addictive and in the process use stuff which impacts our lungs and DNA. Tobacco
smoke can contain more than 7000 chemicals and compounds, including hundreds
that are toxic and at least 70 that can cause cancer. This clearly means there
is no risk free level of exposure to cigarette smoke. kik
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lining of the lungs becomes inflamed as soon as it is exposed to smoke, and
over time the smoke can cause chronic lung diseases such as emphysema and
chronic bronchitis. Even a whiff of smoke can adversely impact body. kik
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the components of tobacco smoke also induce oxidative DNA damage. This
oxidative DNA damage is related to an increased risk of developing several
degenerative chronic diseases which includes coronary heart disease and the
dysfunctional cells (cancer).
health hazards are not confined to active smokers but second-hand smoker have
the same risks as active ones. Reactive oxygen species is one of the
environmental chemicals that is toxic to our body. During passive smoking, the
body is attacked by an excess of free radicals which inducing oxidative stress.
Therefore, even a short period of passive smoking will break down serum
antioxidant defense of the nonsmoker. v
is more bad news for smokers as aftermath of smoking does not just restrict to
dna damage. Smoking also causes blood vessels to constrict which restricts the
blood flow to the penis and many men may see no outward adverse affects until
middle age when natural aging causes blood vessels to become smaller. So being
a smoker adds to the risk of becoming impotent for some people. vape
is proving to have long-term adverse effects on almost every system and part of
the smoker's body. Even if the man is not impotent there are other changes
taking place that may be undetectable until too late. best
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