Most cigarette smokers start smoking at fifteen or fifteen years old, some even at a younger age to fit in with the crowd. You thought that it would be a passing thing, something you will give up eventually. Years later, you are still smoking in spite of the fact that the surgeon general is telling you that it is bad for your health. A massive campaign against the danger of smoking was held a few years back and there are pictures on every cigarette boxes to remind you of that danger. People are turning a blind eye to the obvious danger as long as they are getting their nicotine fix. vape kits uk

There are many harmful chemicals in a cigarette. Over four thousand different chemicals and about 50 are known carcinogens, meaning they can cause cancer. The remaining ones are poisonous. Imagine if you are a heavy smoker smoking more than a pack of cigarette a day, the harm you are doing to yourself, your lungs, heart and other organs. When you look at benzene, a petrol additive, a known carcinogen associated with leukemia, formaldehyde, an embalming fluid used to preserve dead bodies. That fluid can cause respiratory and gastrointestinal cancer. You see they are turning you into mummies for crying out loud! vape starter kit

The deadly chemicals!

There are so many more deadly chemicals added to the mix and the question is, why do they add so many chemicals to the cigarettes? Well, they want you to believe that if you are stressed, it can calm you down, if you are depressed, it can lift you up, if you are afraid, it can give you reassurance. In other words, they add them to make you addicted. Since everybody is different, they add so many deadly chemicals to make sure that as many people as possible are addicted to smoking and will buy more and more cigarettes. You are getting your fix and they are getting their money. best e liquid

When you smoke a cigarette, you think that you are addicted to the nicotine, but how about the acetone, a nail polish remover. You want to smoke a cigarette, not polish your lungs! The tar that is deposited into your lungs you don't think of that, do you? The danger associated with cigarette smoking is real, you can pretend that it doesn't exist and keep on smoking all the way to your grave or wake up and find a way to quit smoking and keep your health and money. vape shop uk

What is left to do...

There are many ways to quit smoking. You don't have to go cold turkey, which is not recommended by the way. It will not be easy, I can tell you that but it you think of all the benefits to your health you will find the appropriate solution that will slowly remove the dependency to nicotine once and for all. There will be withdrawal symptoms which you will have to face, but changing your daily routine will take care of that. You may have to distance yourself from your smoking friends or any other triggers, but in the long run, it will be beneficial to you and your loved ones. vape accessories