The Awful Truth About Our Trashy Beaches
I love the beach as much as the next beach bum, but let me just get real and tell it is it is - we're wading in one big dump of an ocean. Yes you read that right. Our beaches, unfortunately, are getting nastier and filthier each second that we turn a blind eye to the situation. kik e cig
the Beach Cleanup Data gathered and presented by the San Diego Coastkeeper and
the Surfrider Foundation confirms just how trashy our beaches are by deploying
their volunteers to list down every kind of garbage they'll find at the beach.
They kept a detailed record from their twice a month beach clean ups and came
up with an eye-opening report that will make anyone squirmish with just the
thought of these garbage possibly ending up inside their swimsuits. v
what they found and why we should care:
000 pieces of Styrofoam. I'm all for great beach grub, but not so much on
Styrofoam containers. These polystyrene containers contain styrene which has
been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as a
possible human carcinogen. Toxic chemicals leak out from polystyrene which can
contaminate the food you put in it. This could lead to threats in overall
health and even your reproductive system.
pieces of plastic. 9, 000 of them are plastic bottle caps which can be swooped
up by birds mistaking it for food or be eaten by fish and turtles that lead to
choking. Aside from these, other plastics were found by volunteers from plastic
bags and one time use plastic bottles are among them. So save those plastic
bottles for another use. Once empty just put them inside your beach bags, fill them
up at home and use it again the next time you go to the beach. Because if you
can cram all your beach accessories like your wedge flip flops, natural
sunscreen, and tech goodies inside your beach bags, I'm sure you can make room
for a plastic bottle.
cigarette butts. Although cigarette butts are small, it creates a big impact in
the environment. Contrary to popular belief, cigarette filter are
non-biodegrable. This means that just like plastic, it could take years before
it can decompose. Also, if these cigarette butts are washed out to sea, its
harmful chemicals can leak into the water that can contaminate its quality. best
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