Smoking is very addictive and the approach towards it has had a drastic change since years now. Earlier, smoking was common among the younger generations to make them feel funky and grown up. There was not a film seen without men or women smoking cigars or cigarettes. Advertisements were filmed with sport stars and other renowned personalities to avail increased business. But, things changed drastically whereby now it is considered to be an addictive habit that can put lives of people at stake. Promotions are not entertained and strict rules are being applied for cigarette smoking in movies nowadays. Due to second hand smoking problems, the smokers are not allowed to light up a cigarette in public places also. best e liquid

Here are a few smoking cigarette facts that can astonish you.

Cigarettes are one of the leading sold commodities in the world covering over $400 billion business every year. vape shop uk

Nicotine content seen in branded cigarettes keep on increasing and the rise has been proved to be of more than 11 percent in certain branded ones.

More than 70% of the global shares in cigarette market are owned by the major brands including Kent, Kool, Marlboro and Camel.

Cigarette contents include lead, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, nitrogen oxide, ammonia, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and other well known carcinogens. vape accessories

Scientists have proved that a smoker loses 14 years of his lifetime even though he lives a normal lifespan. vape clearance uk

Nicotine travels with lightening speed reaching the brain in just 10 seconds after being inhaled. It spreads to every single part of the body, even to breast milk.

The age limit for buying tobacco has been raised from 16 years to 18 years in many parts of the globe, while in Japan the age was increased to 20 years. kik e liquid

The after effect of smoking differs from one individual to another depending on what they are expecting from it. This is one single fact we cannot avoid as the smokers consider it to be a way to relax and find calmness. For many, smoking relieves stress providing relaxation, calmness, alertness, concentration and lot more peace. These prompt the smokers to rely on the same thus getting addicted to it. best vape juice uk

It has been found that more than 20% of the teenagers in America are prone to smoking much before they reach the adolescent age.

Even though smoking is addictive, firm determination to get rid of this habit has proved to be successful in many.