My mother used to hate it when I spoke about giving up smoking. She God bless her came from that generation of smokers who believed that it did them no harm, after all there was always someone that they knew who had lived a hundred years who smoked sixty a day at least.

The truth is my mother lived to be 83, and smoked right up to the day she died.

However what she always seemed to deny was the way smoking ruined her health and general ability to perform easy task in later life. Walking, shopping, and just getting out and about in general. kik e cig

Most winters she would suffer from "Her Chest" - Anyway enough of my mum.

Why should you quit? Really, if you do not know by now there is probably not a lot I can help you with, but let me tell you a little bit about the last cigarette you enjoyed.

Here is the cold, harsh truth about what is inside your cigarettes. v juice

Everyone knows about the nicotine and the tar, but what about the other chemicals contained in each and every cigarette? Well, believe it or not, that last cigarette you enjoyed so much came with an extra dose of carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, ammonia, cyanide, arsenic, and DDT. If that does not scare the pants off you, nothing will. vape shop

There is also the cost involved; on a recent trip home to the UK, I volunteered to pick up a few packets for my friend who I was staying with. best vape starter kit uk

I was charged almost seven pounds a pack. It would have been cheaper to stay in a hotel.

Most smokers will smoke on average one packet a day that is 2555 pounds a year. Enough to start a good retirement plan. Give up smoking and you may even live that long.

So why should you give up smoking?

Because it is killing you and if you live in the developed countries, it is costing you a small fortune. best vaping kit uk

If you can think of a better reason, please let me know. If you would like more information please check out my blog, Health Matters, details can be found in my Bio below.