Your skin is a vital organ that depends on nutrients and oxygen for its health. You breathe in air and consume nutrients which are then transported by the blood to all your organs including your skin. Your heart, brain, liver, kidneys, and skin depend on this transportation. As oxygen and nutrients are brought by the blood to your organs they are absorbed by the cells which greedily use them for energy. best vape starter kit uk

Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen delivered to the cells by 50%. In addition, cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide which is absorbed by the hemoglobin in your blood cells. The hemoglobin is 200 times more likely to absorb the carbon monoxide than the oxygen. So both of these factors, the reduced amount of oxygen delivery and the effect of carbon monoxide, causes your cells to become starved for oxygen. This will result in less energy for the cells and less energy for your body. If cells have less energy, they can't function to their maximum. vape clearance uk

Studies have been done with twins, one who smoked and the other who did not. The twin who had smoked for most of her life looked much older than her sister. Deep lines, wrinkles, sagging skin, and discoloration of skin with a grayish tint.  Arch Dermatol. 2007;143(12):1543-1546. kik e liquid

Your skin is a major filter for your body. It removes toxins from the blood and aids temperature regulation. It contains numerous nerve endings which help to sense the environment protecting you. It helps promote the growth of collagen (a protein for keeping your skin firm) and helps in processing vitamin D. These are just to name a few. Therefore with less oxygen and nutrients, the skin can't perform these functions as well. You are hampering a major organ in your body from operating at its maximum efficiency. Would you do this to your car or your air conditioning/heating system? Would you let the filters just accumulate the dust and debris or worse yet, just remove the filters. Is that what you want for your body? kik e cig

Let's do some more what ifs...smoking absorbs the vitamin C in your body. This vitamin is necessary to help build collagen. Remember the protein I mentioned before? These are long, strong fibers of protein that run throughout your skin's dermis. Collagen is the part of your skin that is responsible for its firmness. So, loss of collagen results in loss of firmness and sagging. This leads to lines and wrinkles. v juice

Need more reasons to quit smoking? Your liver and kidneys are major filters also for your body. These organs work very hard to filter all the blood that circulates through your body. As blood moves around your body, it will pass through the liver and the kidneys. These organs work to remove any toxins in the blood. If you have lots of toxins then the liver and kidneys work even harder. best vaping kit uk So what kind of toxins are we talking about? Let's look at some of the ingredients of cigarette smoke. Carbolic acid, nicotine, carbon monoxide, arsenic, ammonia, cadmium, hydrogen cyanide, butane, and formic acid. So here you are dumping these toxins into your blood stream which reaches the liver and kidneys which work really hard to remove them from circulation. But you continue to smoke so the organs work harder and harder. Eventually the liver and kidneys start to wear down. But what does this have to do with skin? The skin starts to develop a yellow, gray tone from the effects on the liver. Keep smoking and the skin tone worsens. vape shop

And let's remember the physical effects of smoking. As you squint from the cigarette smoke, you develop lines and wrinkles around the eyes. You also develop lines around the mouth from holding onto the cigarette. Lines, lines, and more lines. You are aging before your natural age.

BEST thing you can do for your skin and your health is to quit smoking. You will reap immediate benefits. Within 24 hours, you will have more oxygen going to your cells, more blood flow, and your skin tone will return to normal. Your chance of a heart attack will decrease dramatically within 24 hours. You will invest in a longer life and healthier skin and body. And best of all, you will be around to enjoy your family, your grandchildren, and your life.