Smoking is bad for your health. I am sure you have heard of this line countless times while watching cigarette ads. Although the government and health organizations haven't been lax in giving the public warnings about the effects of smoking, many people are still unstoppable in consuming packets of cigarettes daily. vape shop online uk

In addition to the numerous lung problems you might experience as a result of this bad vice, you might also experience rapid dermis aging. When the integumentary system absorbs smoke, collagen fibers get damaged. Harmful poisons and chemicals in cigarettes can also weaken the core functions of the skin. It hampers the proper production of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin. This is the main reason why wrinkles and fine lines appear faster to people constantly exposed to cigarette smoke. vape starter kit uk

Do not take this sitting down. Use the following skin care tips to reverse the effects of skin aging:

1. Detoxify your body. Toxins in your system can be purged out with proper detoxification methods. The most popular remedy that can remove toxins is through the use of green tea. Drink a cup of green tea. It also contains a hefty amount of antioxidants that can lessen the appearance of harmful free ranging radicals. vape store uk

2. Get rid of caffeine and soda in your diet. They can actually contribute to the constricting of blood vessels. You would want to substitute them with healthy fruit juices, preferably one packed with Vitamin C.

Vitamin C can effectively repair damaged skin tissues. Moreover, it can boost the growth of collagen in the system so you can bring back smooth and elastic skin.

3. One of the remedies smokers have been trying these days is the activated charcoal method. Activated charcoal has shown remarkable benefits in absorbing toxins, poisons and chemicals in the body without being invasive. This can be applied topically. best e liquid uk

Purchase activated charcoal powder from a health store and add cornstarch and water. Apply it on your skin.

4. Be more active. You need to sweat out the toxins and chemicals in your system. At least 30 minutes of daily physical fitness activities can help you big time. This can improve blood circulation too so your vital organs can function better.

5. Correct the damages wrought by smoke. Look for an anti aging moisturizer that contains CynergyTK, Phytessence Wakame and Nano Lipobelle HEQ10. vape kits uk

CynergyTK is an ingredient that has been extracted from the wool of sheep. This is a good source of a kind of protein called keratin. Keratin is needed to produce more collagen and elastin. Phytessence Wakame is a type of sea kelp that can prevent the loss of hyaluronic acid. This acid is vital for the proper lubrication of collagen fibers. Nano Lipobelle HEQ10 is an antioxidant that can fight harmful free radicals in the system. Free radicals attack skin cells in the system. vape starter kit