I'm immensely delighted you are at this point in your quit smoking efforts. Here are few of my own tested tips to fight cravings. Stick to these if it works for you.

Now lets dive straight in. If you are at your initial quitting days then from day 2 or 3 cravings will peak, so here are my do follow tips to you.

1. Instead of buying regular cigarette pack for yourself, buy a chewing gum pack or few lollipops (I'm serious). Keep it in the same place as your cigarette pack and use it when your hand reaches out for quick smoke. best e liquid

2. Go for a brisk walk. But refrain yourself from stores and supermarkets (you know why)

3. The day I called it quits, I made sure to start a hobby for myself such as scrap-booking, gardening, reading books. Think of some hidden talent or interest and include it in your lifestyle. vape shop uk

4. It would not be a bad idea to join a gym and stop by for a quick workout when a major craving hits.

5. Try brushing your teeth, taking shower or wash your hands. The active part where we feel craving is our mouth, so it is always better to shunt it through these activities.

6. Maintain a quit smoking notepad for yourself. Write down the reasons why you want to quit smoking and the reason you want to live a long and healthy life. Add a note about your extent of craving too. vape accessories

7. Special reward for oneself: When your fight with craving ends up well, make sure you treat yourself. Go out for a movie, shopping or whatever you like. It makes you jolly and reduces your reluctance for craving. best vape juice uk

8. Stay away from smoker friends (only when they smoke). My smoking actually doubled and during my quitting days I was tempted to try out occasional puffs due to this factor. Try to find non-smoker group or friends that respect and support your efforts. Quitting thing is purely mental and the surrounding of positive people will actually encourage you to pursue quitting. vape clearance uk

9. There is a theory that when craving happens you can actually smoke one or two cigarettes a day and then gradually shunt it. You'll hear this all the time. My advice is do not follow it. I've done this myself and this reduces your will power to fight craving. It starts with one cigarette a day then would increase to two cigarettes, then three and it'll never end. kik e liquid

10. One of the drawbacks of quitting or effect of craving is that it'll make you irritable. It is hard to recognize your own irritation but to avoid this behaviour try engaging yourself to activities you like as much as possible. Play Scrabble, read books, go to gym or do gardening. Make sure you only do things you like during this time.