As they say - habits, when formed, take time to be broken; same applies to the dangerous and deadly smoking habit, especially smoking of cigarettes. This article looks at three of the main reasons why you obviously haven't quit the smoking habit, despite how dangerous your doctors (and everyone else who cares about you) have told you cigarette smoking is.

Reason #1: You don't believe it's really dangerous to your health - You must have heard and seen all the adverts around the world about the health dangers of smoking but you haven't gone ahead to quit. But you see, the health dangers of smoking are real; they actually 100% real, so the sooner you quit the smoking habit, the better. vape clearance uk

Reason #2: You "think" and "feel" that you are hooked to nicotine - I agree that nicotine can get pretty addictive and lots of people can get hooked to it, but you don't have to remain hooked. It's not a magnetic addiction that hasn't ever being broken. If others have successfully broken their nicotine addiction, you can as well. kik e liquid

Reason #3: You don't love your "loved" ones enough - If you really love your lovely little kids and spouse as you say you do, then you will quit the habit so that you can stay alive long enough to take care of and be with them. With the fact that "smokers are liable to die young" you certainly want to be with your family for as long as possible, don't you?! kik e cig

I am sure if you are sincere with yourself you will agree that you are guilty of one or all of the aforementioned reasons. You should therefore begin to tell yourself the truth, starting from today, so that you can help yourself quit the habit. The more truth you tell yourself, the easier it will be to quit the smoking habit.