The chemicals in cigarette smoke irritate the lungs, which in someone with asthma are already inflamed. If you have asthma, smoking is about the most dangerous thing you can do and the best thing to do is stop. Many smokers fear that is they quit they will put on weight. Some people do indeed gain weight, but usually only a few kilograms which are lost in a matter of months. vape clearance uk

Smoking reduces the appetite so when you give up cigarettes, food tastes better and you eat more. Moreover, many smokers enjoy a cigarette after a meal. When you give up that may be replaced by a second helping or a dessert. If you are hungry, snack on fresh fruit and vegetables. If you feel you need hypnotherapy, acupuncture, nicotine patches or chewing gum to help you, by all means use them, but sometimes all they do is put off the day when you throw away the cigarettes, ashtray and lighter. kik e liquid

You will have a tough couple of weeks and you will need the support and tolerance of friends and family, but it will be worth the effort. You may experience withdrawal symptoms, such as irritability and sleeping problems. Be proud that you have given up smoking, take it one day at a time and congratulate yourself at the end of the day. kik e cig

Do not be tempted to have just one cigarette. It will probably lead to another and another. Acid air is caused when gases such as nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide react with water vapor. Not much is known about its effects. Power stations, cars, lorries and heavy industry are among the main contributors to atmospheric pollution.