An agricultural product that is processed from the leaves of plants in the genus Nicotiana is named tobacco. Tobacco is burned and the vapours are either savoured or inhaled. The practice of tobacco smoking began way back since 5000 - 3000 BC. Tobacco affects almost every organ of the human body. According to surveys, the usage of tobacco is the leading preventable cause of death worldwide, resulting in about 6 million deaths every year. Second-hand smoke which is also known as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), results in approximately 3000 lung cancer deaths yearly in non-smokers. Second-hand smoke is exhaled by smokers at the end of the burning cigarette. In fact, smokeless tobacco consumers and cigar smokers have the similar health risks as cigarette smokers.
Cigarette smoking causes both short-term and long-term effects. Short-term smoking effects include frequent respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia, bronchitis, coughs, and colds. Children and youths that are exposed to second-hand smoke are more prone towards asthma, lower respiratory infections, and ear infections. Long-term smoking effects are widespread. Numerous diseases linked to smoking include lung cancer, increased risk for stomach cancer, bladder cancer, mouth and throat cancer, cervical cancer, and pancreatic cancer. Tobacco usage is linked to about one third of all cancers and 90% of lung cancer cases are caused by smoking.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is also caused by smoking. COPD refers to severe lung damage. Smoking results in reduced blood circulation and blood vessel narrowing in the body. Oxygen levels in the body are deprived, thus increasing risk of heart disease. Non-smokers are 25% more likely to develop heart diseases because of being exposed to second-hand smoke. Besides, the risks for stroke and developing cataracts are doubled by smoking. Additional health risks are also posed for women. Risks for rheumatoid arthritis (RA) leads to osteoporosis, thus increases the chances of spine and hip fractures in women having post menopause. Smoking habits during pregnancy increases the baby's health risks and results in low birth weight, premature birth, or respiratory illnesses.
Cigarette smoking must be prevented and can only be accomplished with every individual's realisation towards smoking effects and through their own strong will to quit smoking.