You can get a massive range of lighters from both the grocery store and also from your camping stores. Lighters are made for lighting cigarettes, lighting fires, starting barbeques, starting stoves and a range of other things. Of course, the average lighter can do most of those things anyway, but with a bit of change you end up with a lighter that is a lot more convenient to use. I use the common example of trying to light a fire with a standard cigarette lighter. best vape starter kit uk

The biggest issue with doing this is that the flame always wants to burn upwards. When you are trying to light a fire you can't usually get underneath the timber or paper, meaning you have to turn the lighter sideways. This usually results in a burn which is quite painful! As a result, you get a lighter which has an extended handle, meaning that your fingers are nowhere near the flame, and as a result you can light stoves, fires and gas cookers with very limited thought or experience! best vaping kit uk

A lot of people will go and buy lighters just because they look cool. Zippo have made some good quality lighters which carry a lot of style. Whatever your purpose, there is a huge range of lighters on the market. If you can't find what you are looking for have a look online. One of my favorite lighters that you can get is a Jet burner, which is considerably hotter than the average lighter. These are great for starting fires because they heat and dry timber in a matter of seconds. vape shop online uk